Its been a while since I blogged about random things, so I thought I'd be random today. ~ Finished my class for the semester. I had to write a paper on Navajo sandpaintings. Thrilling. I didn't actually hate the class was an Anthro class on symbolism.

What did I learn, you ask? Um, I'll get back with you on that one. Next semester I'm taking a comparative politics class, which should be really interesting with the new president and senate coming into office next month!
* I still have not finished decorating our house for Christmas...I feel like a failure of a housewife. Tonight, hopefully, I will watch it SNOW and finish decorating. And take pictures for
Greta's Tour of Homes! Which, by the way, if you haven't participated, please do!! It's always fun to see other's decorations!

~ Current Books I'm reading:
Christy Miller: The College Years by Robin Jones Gunn (3 books in 1 volume)
**I loved Christy Miller books when in high school! Now I can read about her college days! This is really easy reading, of course, but the books are packed with great Godly truths too....perfect if you know a teen who needs some spiritually-uplifting books to read!

God Is The Gospel by John Piper
** Piper has been my choice of devotional reading for the last year or so. I have to read his stuff slowly to absorb it! This little book (only 179 pages) is so crammed full of theology. Even though so much of how salvation works still remains a mystery to me, this book helps me delve into scripture to understand the Gospel, and how to l ive a gospel-centered life in Christ.

* Current Music I'm listening to:
Coldplay's Viva La Vida
~~I can't help it. I know its been out for months now, but I just really like it alot still! My favorite track is "Yes"...the music is really cool and I love how deep his voice gets in that song. 
Enya's And Winter Came
~~ I love Enya and was super-excited when her holiday CD came out! Got it for my b'day this week! "Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanual" is pretty amazing!
~ I went to Sips n Strokes again last night with mom, Abby, Steph, Ashley D, Laura B, Heather and Rach! It went MUCH better than last time when we attempted a pumpkin! You would think a round vegetable would be pretty easy to paint...not so much. We had fun do "Retro Christmas Trees"! 
* I cannot find a Nativity set that I like. Well, actually I did, but I bought it for the Jones House last year and I can't even remember where... The ones I find are either too childish, too fancy, too expensive, too small, too big...I need one that's "Just right"! And no, I do not want a Willow Tree set like everyone else. Willow Tree is great and all, but
everyone either has it, or wants it.

Had enough randomess from me? Stay tuned...I'll post another "Gift-Giving That Makes a Difference" soon too!
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