
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dont want to be the same

Just some thoughts as I think...that was redundant. Sorry.
I crave changes in the way we "do church". But I don't want another service that is tailored to MY taste or desires, just so I can be a part of something cool/creative/interesting. It CANT be about ME/US. It needs to change us so we can be light to HE can change THEM. The way we "do church" needs to be world-changing in my opinion! Like when we had Missions Conference a few weeks ago, I pray that our church community will be called OUT of our comfort zone to the nations...BUT, I believe that we are ALL called out...even if it may be across the street. Some may go to Costa Rica (like our friends, the Longs). Some may move on to seminary, then on to another church (like the Cannons). Some may stay...I have struggled for so long with the possibility of leaving Bham and SMIC (knowing the whole time that that is Scotts desire/call)...I've come to a place where I would move tomorrow if needed! The funny thing is, that we MAY never be called out! WE may be the ones to stay...
Just some ponderings....


Peyton said...

those are some good thoughts! my pastor at mtn brook community church a few weeks ago was talking about the word "community"(ya know,since its in our title), he was talking about how we shouldnt be so consumed in just doing the "church thing," we should be out doing the "church thing inour COMMUNITY!" and other people (who dont know Jesus, should be coming in!)His sermon was amazing.i felt broken and dumb after hearing it. i know this isnt entirely what your talking about,but somewhat.

Ann Marie said...

I hear ya sista! it IS kinda what i'm trying to get out...I'd like to hear his sermon on that!